Throughout our 100-year history, refractory metal alloy development has been fundamental to the success and growth of the company. Several examples include the development of arc-cast molybdenum alloys that helped to support advances in the early years of space exploration. Our formulations of tungsten heavy alloys have supported the ever-increasing demands of modern medical and aerospace applications. The chemical processing industry is in constant need of corrosion resistant materials with enhanced performance and Elmet Technologies (formerly H.C. Starck Solutions) has developed a family of Ta-W alloys to support this industry. Sputtering is a fundamental process for many modern electronic devices and successful development of new refractory alloy sputter targets has been key to the success of many new devices that are now part of everyday life.
More recently, integrated computational materials engineering (ICME) has begun to explore new combinations of materials at a theoretical level. The result has been a rapid acceleration in research in new refractory alloys. One area of focus is in High Entropy Alloys (HEAs) also known as Multi-Principle Element Alloys (MPEAs). Such alloys are under investigation for application in power generation, aerospace, biomedical and industrial coatings. H.C. Starck Solutions’ innovation teams supports such research with a combination of ICME modeling, alloy melting, powder metallurgy, and thermo-mechanical processing approaches to surpass customer requirements.